Thursday, January 1, 2009

"when you are lost you are not alone"

in the spirit of new years, i spent this morning writing all the things that i think about when i think about if there was just more time... they are not achievable in 2009 or 2010, at least not all of them. definitely not all of them. but it is nice to remember what those dreams (goals ?) are.

one of the 'decisions' was to write this blog every single day. also to take a photo every single day to have a photo journal, telling the story. i also decided to write about the films i see and books i read.

after a crazy long hectic day at the diner (the busiest day a year), john and i went to broadway. it was lovely. he was being super sweet, although later he almost lost it because he couldn't find a can opener. i think he was tiered.

we saw 'doubt'. what a powerful character development narrative drama. editing is nice. i also doubt he did it. but i was doubting a lot when i came out. i need to find someone who has seen the movie. religion can sit so deep in our hearts, in our minds, from childhood. i have no emotional attachment, or even understanding of it, but it fascinates me. the main character said:
"a doubt can be as powerful as certainty. when you are lost you are not alone."

i began to think how when i doubt something, that doubt in a way brings me closer to that thing. doubt is good. doubt means questioning. doubt means learning. certainty seems stagnant. when i am lost, i need to look around. i need to realize i am probably not alone. also others might be lost, when i am not. being compassionate, really compassionate to what one might be experiencing is humbling.

dags and nancy came in to the diner to have breakfast this morning. they were soooo cute. they were checking out a beautiful curly blond long haired boy, sitting at the counter. i hope dagny appreciates her female friendships.