Wednesday, May 28, 2008

in and out of background

i forgot my camera yesterday, there was so much to photograph, i guess i just had to pay more attention this way because i knew i would have to just remember it all.
there were incredible people whose paths i crossed yesterday.
there was norm cavanaugh. norm is western sheshone. he had me record coming of age story of a young man, who wanted to be a medicine man. we went to breakfast first. he told us about where he was raised in duck reservation and the foster homes that he went through and eventually kind of figured it all out for himself. the sound of shoshone is beautiful. norm is beautiful. toward the end of the afternoon i think we were both getting delirious sitting in front of the computer transcribing his story, he told me my eyes looked purple and that i had a purple band around my head, we decided to would continue another day...
i went to peace rally today. daniel ellsberg, state dept. officer who gave top secret documents about the vietnam war to the new york times in 1971, was in salt lake! there were many people there, mothers of dead solders, solders that have come back from the war, our wonderful ex mayor rocky, and all the wonderful salt lakers and americans that realize that the best way to be a patriot right now and support the troops is not by waving an american flag, but by protesting this awful, illegal war.
on a lighter note, in the evening we went to see a ballet that paggy choreographed and joe mixed music for. peggy is so talented. i loved the whole piece, but i really loved the beginning of it. she was stretching and pushing the boundaries super far. in the first place to have a dj music to accompany ballet is cool, plus she had the dancers wearing tight white pagamas. it looked like a calvin klein commercial.
i was thinking it would be interesting to mix middle eastern type of dance with ballet. for instance georgian dancing is so non european, it would create an interesting contrast with very european ballet. also why doesn't one see a girl dance with a girl in a ballet ever? or boys dance together? i also thought what if the background matched the costume completely and people blended in and out of the background?
i needed this day. yesterday almost broke me in half. but that's another story.